Classroom Activity 1
Prepositions Treasure Hunts
Corresponds to English Land Level 3, Chapter 4
Good for: beginning prepositions (Elementary School Age)
Corresponds to English Land Level 3, Chapter 4
Good for: beginning prepositions (Elementary School Age)
You will need:
- Paper, Scissors, laminator (if you want to make a long lasting treasure hunt set)
-An item representing treasure, or real treasure to give to the students if they gather all the cards for their assigned treasure hunting quest
What To Do:
-Number the Cards
The Treasure Hunt can be as long or as short as you'd like, each card describes the location of the next item, and should be unique to your environment or classroom
(ex. #6 is under the clock)
-Hide them before the class, retaining the first card as a hint
-For Larger Classes: Prepare color coded treasure hunts for small group hunting: groups are only allowed to take the cards for their color
and should do it in order
For more practice:
Do this as a warm-up activity or an extension of the lesson. I feel it really engages them and gets elementary age students thinking about the structure of preposition sentences, as they often mutter the locations under their breath as they search. Students can take turns reading the cards or a reader can be assigned. However, I have seen even shy students take to this activity.
This could be used for any foreign language.
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